We help cancer patients get well and stay well in Alabama.
Through our various support groups and programs, we reach dozens of families in your community. More than 1280 patients received help getting to their treatments.
We help find cures right here in Alabama.
The American Cancer Society funds 8 researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, for a total of more than 4 million dollars in research grants. The American Cancer Society has funded three billion dollars in research since 1946, helping fund such cancer discoveries as the breast cancer drug tamoxifen, surgeries like the bone marrow transplant, and cancer screenings like the PSA test.
We help cancer patients fight back.
Volunteers from across Alabama rallied with the American Cancer Society to support a comprehensive statewide smoke-free law. Volunteers from the American Cancer Society attended a Breast Cancer Lobby Day, which helped bring attention to a funding crisis for the Alabama Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. That program gives free mammograms to women who can’t afford them. Eventually $400,000 was restored to the budget for these services.
A new law extending the ABCCEDP was passed, thanks to the support of the American Cancer Society.
For cancer information 24 hours a day, call 1-800-227-2345 or visit cancer.org.