Thursday, April 29, 2010

Team A- Day 1-minus: And We're Off...

Brooke here. So, here we are at Inverness. All introductions have been made (Brooke, Christine Trey, Leonard, Jared, Thomas, Chesley, and Obi Wan) and its quite clear that the A-Team is a group of strapping young gentlemen, who are all quite experienced RTFR'ers and all apparently avid runners. Christine and I are ecstatic to be the team anchors...not so much "anchor" in the typical sense of a relay team where you assume the clutch position, but rather "anchor" as in what drags a boat down. I digress. Time out - must pause in blogging to better acquaint ourselves.

Time in - Ok, its now 3 hours later, and we have thus far experienced the following delights:

1. A man asking us for gas money who will in return bring us a cooler of nondescript fish and reimburse us plus (get this) $5 in interest.

2. Watching the men of the A-Team for an hour try to rig the TV in the RV to play an iPod. Thank goodness for Jared figuring out that if we put the Slow Jamz CD in the dvd player on mute we could simultaneously listen Chesley's finest hip-hop mix.

3. Calling Kevin M ad nauseum to ask questions about everything under the sun, including but not limited to finding the RV keys and our hotel keys.

As a point of clarification, big ups to Kevin for setting up the A-Team. I think this is going to be a beautiful thing. More later.
**Sent from my BlackBerry**

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