Thursday, April 26, 2012

Team B: First Run

Team B "the Best team" is done with the first run. Everyone is ready for lunch, but overall, we had a good run. Looking forward to some short rest and relaxation just before we start up again.

The wind and the heat are a bit intense today, but combined they cancel each other out.

First out today was our team captain Waymon. Hills have an affinity for Waymon, but today they were kind to him. Nicole was batting second and took us through the traffic infested city of Oxford. Littered with red lights and unhappy drivers, Nicole did well despite the obstacles. Nicole also was able to recruit a local runner to join her for a few miles.

In the third spot today was Matt. Matt is new to Team B, but not new to running. He busted out some quick miles. I (Bryan) was batting clean-up right as we got into the midday heat. After battling a few long hills in Munford, I turned it over to Melissa. Melissa pulled us through the middle of nowhere through blazing heat. Robby was our anchor today, and he did a stand-up job of pulling us through to the end. He even ran a few extra tenths of a mile to take us to the handoff with Team C.

Now we're off to the Key West Inn in Childrrsburg for a short nap before running again.

Until then,


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